Liturgy Institute London

For a detailed and peaceful study of Liturgy

Pathways of Study



enroll in the Catholic University of Leuven post-graduate program of studies for  transferable graduate credits.


VISITOR STUDENTS (for credit) 

from other universities, enroll at Catholic University Leuven for credit courses to supplement your program of studies.


IL AWARD STUDENTS (not for credit)

with adequate Latin, Greek and theology, but without the requisite degree in theology, enroll at the Institutum Liturgicum, attend the courses, take the examinations and receive a non-accredited IL award in liturgical studies.


AUDITOR STUDENTS (not for credit)

enroll at the Institutum Liturgicum, attend lectures without taking examinations and receive an IL attestation of attendance.



Our program provides English language access to License and Doctoral programs at the:

Pontifical Institute of Liturgy, Rome

Catholic University, Leuven.

Our credits are accredited and transferable to other programmes of study.