to be given on Saturday 8 July 2023
at 2.30 pm at Ealing Abbey by
Rt Rev’d Mgr Bruce Harbert
executive director of the
International Committee on English in the Liturgy
(ICEL) 2002-2009
Based on the text of Sacrosanctum Concilium nº 36. 1:
The use of the Latin language
is to be preserved in the Latin rites :
“Linguae latinae usus …
in Ritibus latinis servetur.”
Listen to the audio recording here.
You may notice several gaps in the presentation. These were caused by intermitent access to the internet.
Mgr Harbert has begun to post on his blog Missal Notes once again, available here. He offers insightful studies of prayers of the Roman Missal drawn from his work with ICEL and translating the Missale into English.
Dom Daniel McCarthy introduces Mgr Bruce Harbert at the 2023 St Bede Annual Lecture.
Ealing Abbey,
London, W5 2DZ.
Contact Clare Cogswell at this email address.
A map is available here.