Liturgy Institute London

For a detailed and peaceful study of Liturgy

2017 Archbishop George Stack

Archbishop George Stack

Archbishop George Stack

2017 annual

St Bede Lecture

to be given at 2.30 pm
on Saturday 8 July 2017
at Ealing Abbey

Archbishop George Stack

Archdiocese of Cardiff, Wales
Chair of the Department of Christian Life and Worship
for the Catholic Bishops’ Conference of England and Wales

who will speak on

Constructing Churches for active participation
in the Celebration of Liturgy

based on the text of Sacrosanctum Concilium nº 124

In aedificandis vero sacris aedibus,
diligenter curetur ut ad liturgicas actiones exsequendas
et ad fidelium actuosam participationem obtinendam idoneae sint

By invitation. Enquiries may be directed to Dom James Leachman
jl AT jamesleachman DOT com

ed. 04 Sept. 2016