Liturgy Institute London

For a detailed and peaceful study of Liturgy

2021 Duco Vollebregt



to be given on
Saturday 10 July 2021, at 2.30 pm
on Zoom by contacting this email.

given by

Mr. Duco Vollebregt

Doctoral Student
KU Leuven


The Breadth of Sound Tradition:

Recovering for our day

early images of Easter night


Based on the text of Sacrosanctum Concilium nº 4:

“The sacred Council hopes that, where it is necessary, [all rites] be revised carefully according to the mind of sound tradition and that they be endowed with a new vigour according to contemporary circumstances and needs”.

“Sacrosanctum Concilium … optat ut [omnes Ritus], ubi opus sit, caute ex integro ad mentem sanae traditionis recognoscantur et novo vigore, pro hodiernis adiunctis et necessitatibus, donentur”.

Ealing Abbey, London, W5 2DY
Contact Clare Cogswell
by contacting this email.

Publication: Vollebregt, D., Hac nocte in aeternum diem renascentes populi procreantur: Christian Initiation and the Easter Vigil in the Missale Gothicum (Spicilegium sacrum Lovaniense 58. Studia breviora 3) Peeters, Leuven 2021 (publisher’s page).