Liturgy Institute London

For a detailed and peaceful study of Liturgy

2016 Joris Geldhof

Dr Joris Geldhof - St Bede Lecture 20162016 annual

St Bede Lecture

to be given at 2.30 pm
on Saturday 9 July 2016
at Ealing Abbey

Prof Joris Geldhof

Professor of Liturgical Studies
and Sacramental Theology
KU Leuven

who will speak

On Interiorizing the Mystery of the Eucharist?

based on the text of Sacrosanctum Concilium nº 48
“… verbo Dei instituantur, mensa Corporis Domini reficiantur, …
ut sit tandem Deus omnia in omnibus”
They should be formed by God’s word, and refreshed at the table of the Lord’s body, …
so that finally God may be all in all.”

Published as: J. Geldhof, “On Interiorizing the Mystery of the Eucharist: A Reflection on Sacrosanctum Concilium, no. 48”, Questions Liturgiques/Studies in Liturgy 97 (2016) 123-140 available here.

More about our speaker is available on his web-page at KU Leuven.

By invitation. Enquiries may be directed to Dom James Leachman
jl AT jamesleachman DOT com

ed. JL 11 May 2016