2018 annual
St Bede Lecture
to be given at 2.30 pm
on Saturday 7 July 2018
at Ealing Abbey
Rev. Dr Gergely Bakos OSB
Chair of Philosophy
Sapientia Theological School of Religious Orders
Budapest, Hungary
who will speak on
From Philosophical Contemplation
Towards Fruitful Participation in the Mystery of Christ
based on the text of Sacrosanctum Concilium nº 11 and 48:
nº 11: ut fideles scienter, actuose et fructuose […] participent
nº 48: Ecclesia sollicitas curas eo intendit
ne christifideles huic fidei mysterio tamquam extranei vel muti spectatores intersint,
sed per ritus et peces id bene intellegentes, sacram actionem conscie, pie at actuose participent
Published as: BAKOS, G., “From Philosophical Contemplation towards Fruitful Participation in the mystery of Christ”, Questions liturgiques / Studies in Liturgy 99:4 (2018-2019) 252-264 link here.
By invitation. Enquiries may be directed to Dom James Leachman
jl AT jamesleachman DOT com
edited 03 July 2017