Liturgists of the Churches of England and Wales,
and the Methodist Church
Let us do justice to the many in the last one hundred and fifty years who have established the classical Liturgical renewal in Britain and Ireland.
Many of the following are treated in They Shaped our Worship: Essays on Anglican Liturgists, ed. C. Irvine (ACC 75) SPCK, London 1988.
This information will be published in a booklet September 2010.
The research current
Edward White Benson (1829-1896) Chancellor of Lincoln, restorer of the Schola
J.M. Neale, (1818-1886), Dictionary of National Biography, “Neale,
John Mason.
Francis Procter ( – )
John Wordsworth (-) Bishop Sarapion’s Prayer Book,
(Early Church Classics) SPCK, London 1915.
J. Wickham Legg ( – )
V. Staley ( – )
F.E. Brightman ( – ) Liturgies Eastern and Western I.
F.E. Warren ( – ) The Celtic Rite.
Percy Dearmer ( – ).
F. Armitage ( – ) The History of the Collects, Weare & Son, London
W.H. Frere (1863 – 1938)
A Manual of Plainsong, by W. H. Frere, H. B. Briggs, and J. Stainer,
Novello and Company, London 1902.
The Winchester Troper, London 1984.
J.H. Srawley (1868-1954) (Chancellor of Lincoln, also head of the
Schola Cancellarii)
The Early History of the Liturgy, CUP, Cambridge 1913.
The Catechetical Oration of St Gregory of Nyssa, (Early Church
Classics) SPCK, London 1917.
St Ambrose on the Sacraments and On the Mysteries, SPCK,
London 1950.
The Liturgical Movement: Its Origin and Growth, (Alcuin Club
Tract 27) London 1954.
Dom Gregory Dix (1901-1952) worked at Nashdom Abbey on
initiation and Eucharist. Founded on solid research
previously carried out on the Continent.
The Apostolic Tradition of Hippolytus, SPCK, London 1937
The Shape of the Liturgy, Dacre, London-New York 1945, 2nd
ed., repr. with additional notes by P. V. Marshall 1968.
E.C. Ratcliff (1896-1967) Regius Professor of Divinity,
Cambridge 1958-1964 wrote on the Sanctus in the Anaphora
Henry de Candole ( – )
Cyril E. Pocknee ( – )
A.H. Couratin (1902 – 1988) Member of the CofE Liturgical
G.G. Willis ( – ), St Augustine’s Lectionary, (ACC .. ) SPCK,
London 1962.
Essays in Early Roman Liturgy, (ACC 46) SPCK, London 1964.
Further Essays in Early Roman Liturgy, (ACC 50) SPCK,
London 1968
J.G. Davies ( – ) Holy Week: A Short History, (Ecumenical Studies
in Worship 1) John Knox Press, Richmond VA 1963.
E. C. Whitaker ( – ).
G.J. Cuming ( – ) with RCD. Jasper, Prayers of the Eucharist, Early
and Reformed, Liturgical PRess, Collegeville MN.
The Liturgy of St. Mark (OCP …)
A History of Anglican Liturgy, MacMillan, London 1969, 1982.
Cheslyn Jones ( – )
(with E.J. Yarnold, G. Wainwright) The Study of Liturgy, SPCK,
London 1968.
The research current today
Through the Anglican (and Methodist) theological college system
there are clusters of people with interests in Liturgy in
Durham, Oxford, Birmingham, Leeds (Mirfield), and possibly
Bristol (Trinity College Bristol). There are regular seminars on
liturgical matters in Durham and Oxford and other events of
an academic nature around the country.
The pastoral current
Fr A. Gabriel Hebert SSM ( – )
The Parish Communion, SPCK, London 1937.
R.C.D Jasper ( – ), The Development of the Anglican Liturgy 1662-1980,
SPCK, London 1989.
Michael Vasey (1946-1998) archives held at Sarum College,
Drafter, Rites on the Way, Church House Publishing, London 1995.
© James Leachman, O.S.B., 22 June 2010