Liturgy Institute
For a detailed and peaceful study of LiturgyLiturgy, Latin, Syriac, Hebrew Courses Summer 2024
Liturgy courses are held in person: 1 - 26 July 2024 Latin courses are held online: 22 July - 2 August 2024 Latin courses held in person: 12 - 23 August 2024 Syriac course and the Syriac Project held in person 1 - 26 July 2024 Hebrew course is held in person 29 July -...
Sebastian Brock lecture 13 July 2024
INAUGURAL LECTURE of the project EXPLORERS IN SYRIAC LITERATURE:PUBLISHING UNEDITED SYRIAC MANUSCRIPTSFROM THE BRITISH LIBRARY to be given by Sebastian Brock Emeritus Reader in Syriac Studies, Oxford UniversityEmeritus Fellow of Wolfson College, Oxford speaking on The...
James Blackstone, Iconographer: 7 July 2024 St Bede Lecture
THE THIRTEENTH ANNUAL ST BEDE LITURGY LECTURE to be given on Sunday, 7 July 2024beginning at 3.00 pm at the Ealing Abbey Parish Hall by Dr James Blackstone of Saint Dunstan Icons, Shrewsburyand of the Chichester Workshop for Liturgical Artspeaking on Intoxication and...
Mgr Bruce Harbert: 2023 St Bede Lecture
THE TWELFTH ANNUAL ST BEDE LITURGY LECTURE to be given on Saturday 8 July 2023, at 2.30 pm at Ealing Abbey by Rt Rev’d Mgr Bruce Harbert executive director of the International Committee on English in the Liturgy (ICEL) 2002-2009 Based on the text of Sacrosanctum...
Liturgy, Latin, Syriac Courses Summer 2023
Liturgy courses are held in person: 3 - 29 July 2023 Latin courses are held online: 31 July - 11 August 2023 Latin courses held in person: 14 - 25 August 2023 Syriac course and the Syriac Project held in person 3 - 29 July 2023 Course listings for summer 2023...
Come into the Light
Come Into the Light Church interiors for the celebration of liturgy The volume Come Into the Light: Church interiors for the celebration of liturgy considers the ritual experiences of liturgy and how these experiences are interpreted by the artistic narrative of a...
Transition in the Easter Vigil
New book release: Transition in the Easter Vigil: Becoming Christians What difference does the Easter vigil make in the lives of those baptized, confirmed and brought into communion on that night? In this book we trace each step in this process of personal...
Congratulations Bishop Alan Hopes
Congratulations Bishop Alan Hopes on your recent appointment as bishop of East Anglia. Support of Institutum Liturgicum We much appreciate a very encouraging address Bishop Hopes gave after the inaugural lunch of the Institutum Liturgicum on 12 July 2011. We remain...
Notitiae 10-22 (1974-1982); 34-47 (1988-2010) request
The Liturgical Institute is seeking to locate the copies of the periodical Notitiae published by the Consilium/Congregation for Divine Worship, numbers 10--22 (1974- 1982) and 34-47 (1988-2010) to complete this collection. If any reader has copies or even a complete...
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