Liturgy Institute London

For a detailed and peaceful study of Liturgy

Ephemerides Ealingnenses

Ephemerides Ealingnenses is an annual publication of the Benedictine Institute at Ealing Abbey, London.


The annual journal features the work of our instructors, collaborators and students in several areas of enquiry, including:

  1. Transcriptions and English translations of previously unedited manuscripts in Syriac, Latin and Greek;
  2. Papers in the field of liturgy including original research or application;
  3. Studies in the field of iconography and ecclesial arts.

During our summer programme each year we shall select and edit works for publication in the annual volume.


Abbot Dominic Taylor, OSB


Dom Martin Shipperlee, OSB
Dom Daniel McCarthy, OSB
Abuna Youhanna “John” Semaan, LMO

Order a copy

Clare CogswellClare Cogswell
Schedule a visit or write to Clare at:

Benedictine Institute
74 Castlebar Road,
Ealing, London W5 2DD, UK
+44 (0)20 8194 2320
E-mail at this link.

Available volumes

vol. 1 (2023) in preparation

Summer Programme of studies

Learn Syriac
Syriac Project
Reading Byzantine liturgical Greek.


Benedictine Institute

Liturgy Institute

St Bede Library

The Latin Language

Wild cyclamin in bloom