Many very dedicated people have been working in the classical liturgical movement in Britain in the recent past.
Links are in bold
Church of England, Church of Wales, Methodist Church
Dom Henry Ashworth (1914 – 1980) of Quarr Abbey.
Pope Paul VI (d. 6 August 1963) and Sacrosanctum Concilium
Fr Edward Yarnold SJ (1926-2002) Campion Hall, Oxford
Fr Kevin Donovan SJ (1931-2008) Heythrop College, London.
Donald A. Withey, (1927 – )
John Henry Newman: the Liturgy and the Breviary: their influence on his life as an Anglican,
Sheed and Ward, London 1992; Stag Books – Sheed and Ward, New York – London 1996.
Catholic Worship: An Introduction to Liturgy, Kevin Mayhew, Stowmarket 1990;
Wipf and Stock, Eugene, OR 2002.
Christian Initiation, ed. D.A. Withey, Gorgias, (Gorgias Liturgical Studies 14) Piscataway,
NJ 2010, (SLS Conference Proceedings 1988).
Adult Initiation, ed D.A. Withey, Grove Books 1989.
Why Receive the Chalice?, D.A. Withey, 1990.
Ministers of Holy Communion: A Practical and Liturgical Guide, Decani Books,
Brandon Suffolk, 3rd edition, revised and updated 2010.
Abbot Cuthbert Johnson, OSB (1946 -)
“British Benedictines and the Liturgy”, Notitiae 17 (1981) 138-151.
“The liturgical scholarship of Dom Henry Ashworth (1914-1980)”, Ephemerides
Liturgicae 104 (1990/4-5), 299-338.
Cuthbert Peter Johnson O.S.B., Bibliography 1975-present:
Nor should the support from the hierarchy, and the value of diocesan liturgical commissions be forgotten. Liturgical renewal has to be built on history and research, and supported by the whole church, rather than be seen merely a reform of what is seen as good taste or aesthetically pleasing.
Fr John Glen was a founding member of the National Liturgical Committee
The movement in the Catholic Church in England and Wales has indeed paralleled what liturgists on continental Europe and what Michael Marx OSB and Virgil Michel OSB inspired in the USA at Collegeville, and in the years between 1920 and 1950.
© James Leachman, O.S.B., 17 February 2012