Liturgy Institute London

For a detailed and peaceful study of Liturgy

Classical Liturgical Movement


1. Research on the Continent
2. Pope Saint Pius X
3. Research in England and Wales
4. The Pastoral Current.

 These pages are designed to whet your appetite and to find more about the

Classical Liturgical Movement.

1. Read about the continental research current, which contributed to the renewal of the liturgy mandated by the Second Vatican Council. Great continental figures in the field influenced the formation of the text of Vatican II’s document Sacrosanctum Concilium on the liturgy.

2. Pope Saint Pius X and the Classical Liturgical Movement

3.  Great figures from England and Wales, Scotland and Ireland, Catholics and also members of the Church of England studied, published and contributed to the movement.

Monks and nuns, Jesuits, Dominicans, diocesan priests and lay faithful all contributed,

4. The pastoral current. This affected practice in the parishes and the popular acceptance of the Classical Liturgical Movement in England, paralleling what liturgists on continental Europe and what Michael Marx OSB and Virgil Michel OSB inspired in the USA at Collegeville, and in the years between 1920 and 1950.

Dom Bernard McElligott founded the Society of St Gregory in 1929.

The study of church architecture, music, catechetical formation all emphasised important dimensions of the English and Welsh liturgical movement and its popular appeal. Clifford Howell SJ’s (1902-1981) commitment to social justice, an indispensable element in the English Church’s liturgy and life, continues today.