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Summer 2025

Liturgy and Latin Summer school details have been updated.

New course on the Easter Proclamation, the Exultet.

Spoken Latin offered for the first time along with more extensive offerings in Latin.

Hebrew and Syriac courses.
Transcribe and publish unedited Syriac manuscripts from the British Library.

St Bede Lecture by Thomas O’Loughlin on Saturday, 5 July 2025.

New instructors: Thomas O’Laughlin from Nottingham and Barry Craig from Australia.

Liturgy, Latin, Syriac, Hebrew Courses Summer 2024

Liturgy, Latin, Syriac, Hebrew Courses Summer 2024

Liturgy courses are held in person: 1 – 26 July 2024

Latin courses are held online: 22 July – 2 August 2024

Latin courses held in person: 12 – 23 August 2024

Syriac course and the Syriac Project held in person 1 – 26 July 2024

Hebrew course is held in person 29 July – 9 August 2024

Course listings for summer 2024 available here

The House for Guests is open this summer to accommodate students again.

To enrol

Contact our Registrar, Clare Cogswell at this address. (il AT liturgyinstitute DOT org).

Participants in Summer term 2016

Sebastian Brock lecture 13 July 2024

Sebastian Brock lecture 13 July 2024


of the project


to be given by

Sebastian Brock

Emeritus Reader in Syriac Studies, Oxford University
Emeritus Fellow of Wolfson College, Oxford

speaking on

The (re-)discovery of three great Syriac Fathers:
St Ephrem of Nisibis, St Jacob of Serugh,
and St Isaac of Nineveh

to be held on Saturday, 13 July 2024
beginning at 2:30 pm

at the Benedictine Institute
74 Castlebar Road
Ealing, London, W5 2DD

Sebastian Brock with Mor Gregorios, Metropolitan of Aleppo, kidnapped 11 years ago and whose fate is still unknown.Hosted by the Liturgical Institute
a ministry of Ealing Abbey
and St Michael’s Abbey, Farnborough

Contact Clare Cogswell at this email address.
A map is available here.

Image: Sebastian Brock with Mor Gregorios, Metropolitan of Aleppo, kidnapped 11 years ago and whose fate is still unknown.

Web-page created on 27 April 2024 by DM

James Blackstone, Iconographer: 7 July 2024 St Bede Lecture

James Blackstone, Iconographer: 7 July 2024 St Bede Lecture



to be given on Sunday, 7 July 2024
beginning at 3.00 pm
at the Ealing Abbey Parish Hall by

Dr James Blackstone

of Saint Dunstan Icons, Shrewsbury
and of the Chichester Workshop for Liturgical Art
speaking on

Intoxication and Illumination:
Art oriented toward the infinite beauty of God

exploring transcendent beauty in liturgical art
with particular attention to the writings of Pseudo-Dionysius, especially
‘that superabundance of delights unfathomable to the mind’ and
‘the total and indescribable limitlessness of God’s well-being’

finding resonance in the text of Sacrosanctum Concilium122

‘arts … are oriented toward the infinite beauty of God’

‘artes … ad infinitam pulchritudinem divinam spectant’

Image of James Blackstone, IconographerSchedule:
3:00-3:45   Presentation by James Blackstone
break to get tea or drinks from the Bennet Bar
4:00-4:10   Response by Martin Earle
4:10-4:20   Response by Maxina Studnik
4:20-4:40   open discussion
Followed by a cash bar in the Benet Club at St. Benedict Parish Centre

Hosted by the Liturgical Institute
a ministry of Ealing Abbey
and St Michael’s Abbey, Farnborough

Event held at
the Ealing Abbey Parish Hall
2, Marchwood Crescent
Ealing, London W5 2DZ 
Contact Clare Cogswell at this email address.
A map is available here.

Mgr Bruce Harbert: 2023 St Bede Lecture



to be given on Saturday 8 July 2023, at 2.30 pm at Ealing Abbey by

Rt Rev’d Mgr Bruce Harbert

executive director of the International Committee on English in the Liturgy (ICEL) 2002-2009

Based on the text of Sacrosanctum Concilium36. 1:

The use of the Latin language

is to be preserved in the Latin rites :

Linguae latinae usus …

in Ritibus latinis servetur.”


Mgr Harbert has begun to post on his blog Missal Notes once again, available here. He offers insightful studies of prayers of the Roman Missal drawn from his work with ICEL and translating the Missale into English.

Here is the first of a four part series of lectures Mgr Harbert gave for the McGrath Institute for Church Life at the University of Notre Dame in Indiana. Ealing Abbey, London, W5 2DZ. Contact Clare Cogswell at this email address. A map is available here.

Liturgy, Latin, Syriac Courses Summer 2023

Liturgy, Latin, Syriac Courses Summer 2023

Liturgy courses are held in person: 3 – 29 July 2023

Latin courses are held online: 31 July – 11 August 2023

Latin courses held in person: 14 – 25 August 2023

Syriac course and the Syriac Project held in person 3 – 29 July 2023

Course listings for summer 2023 available here

The House for Guests is open this summer to accommodate students again.

To enrol

Contact our Registrar, Clare Cogswell at this address. (il AT liturgyinstitute DOT org).

Participants in Summer term 2016

Come into the Light

Come into the Light

Come Into the Light

Church interiors for the celebration of liturgy

Cover of Come into the LightThe volume Come Into the LightChurch interiors for the celebration of liturgy considers the ritual experiences of liturgy and how these experiences are interpreted by the artistic narrative of a church and how these are supported by the architectural design of a church. The volume comprises 22 articles published by Fr James Leachman OSB and Fr Daniel McCarthy OSB in The Tablet of London.

More information available here.

Purchase it from the publisher: Canterbury Press link here.


Pauline Multimedia
199 Kensington High St, London


Order online – link here:
St. Benedict’s Abbey
1020 N 2nd St.
Atchison, KS 66002, USA.

by phone: +1 (913) 360-7906

OR: visit the Monastery Gift Shop in person. We accept Visa and MasterCard.


Pauline Multimedia
Via del Mascherino, 94, Roma

Transition in the Easter Vigil

Transition in the Easter Vigil

Book Cover: Transition in the Easter Vigil

New book release: Transition in the Easter VigilBecoming Christians

What difference does the Easter vigil make in the lives of those baptized, confirmed and brought into communion on that night? In this book we trace each step in this process of personal transformation until its climax in communion. We do this by considering at length the small prayers and texts of the Easter vigil from beginning to end to gain insight into the whole process. The insights are substantial and well considered.

We prepare for this study with a review of the history of Christian initiation celebrated at the Easter vigil. Next we consider the reform of the Easter vigil beginning in 1951 under Pope Pius XII and culminating in the current liturgy after the Second Vatican Council.

We provide new English translations for each prayer studied from the official Latin.

A fuller description of the book is available here.

Purchase the book from the publisher in the UK or from:

St. Benedict’s Abbey
1020 North Second Street
Atchison, Kansas 66002
1 (913) 360-7908

Congratulations Bishop Alan Hopes

Congratulations Bishop Alan Hopes

Congratulations Bishop Alan Hopes on your recent appointment as bishop of East Anglia.

Congratulations Bishop Alan HopesSupport of Institutum Liturgicum

We much appreciate a very encouraging address Bishop Hopes gave after the inaugural lunch of the Institutum Liturgicum on 12 July 2011. We remain deeply grateful for his continued support of us in his capacity as the Chairman of the Liturgy Committee for the Bishop’s conference of England and Wales. We look forward to our continued collaboration in his new capacity.

From the Archdiocesan Web-site:

“Bishop Hopes was ordained priest in the Church of England in 1968 and served until he was received into the Catholic Church in 1994. He was ordained priest in the Catholic Church in December 1995. He was ordained bishop in Westminster’s Metropolitan Cathedral of the Most Precious Blood on 24 January 2003. He is Chairman of The Committee for Liturgy and is a member of the Bishops’ Conference Department of Life and Worship.

“Bishop Hopes succeeds the late Bishop Michael Evans who died peacefully on 11 July 2011 after a long illness. Following Bishop Evans’ death Fr David Bagstaff has acted as Diocesan Administrator. Bishop Hopes will be installed as the Bishop of East Anglia on Tuesday 16 July at St. John the Baptist Cathedral, Norwich” (source here).

Notitiae 10-22 (1974-1982); 34-47 (1988-2010) request

Notitiae 10-22 (1974-1982); 34-47 (1988-2010) request

The Liturgical Institute is seeking to locate the copies of the periodical Notitiae published by the Consilium/Congregation for Divine Worship, numbers 10–22 (1974- 1982) and 34-47 (1988-2010) to complete this collection.
If any reader has copies or even a complete run of the periodical that they no longer need and wish to sell or donate please send an email Fr James Leachman with details: jleachman AT mac DOT com
Prefaces: Bibliography

Prefaces: Bibliography

The following bibliography is recommended for the study of prefaces.



EL = Ephemerides Liturgicae

LMD = La Maison‑Dieu

QL = Questions Liturgiques (et Paroissiales)

RL = Rivista Liturgica

SE = Sacris Erudiri


Henry Ashworth, `Praefationum fontes novarum liturgici, biblici et patristici’, EL 82 (1968) 430‑444.

Henry Ashworth, `The New Prefaces’, The Clergy Review 53 (1968) 839‑860.

R. Avery, `A Preview of the New Prefaces’, Worship 42 (1968) 514‑531, 587‑608.

Louis Bouyer, `La preface et le Sanctus’, LMD 87 (1966) 97‑110.

Bernard Botte, `Extendit manus suas cum pateretur’, QL 49 (1968) 307‑308.

Bernard Botte, La Tradition apostolique de saint Hippolyte. Essai de reconstruction (= Liturgiewissenschaftl. Quellen und Forschungen 39), Aschendorff, Münster, 1963.

Johannes Brinktrine, `Die neue Präfation in den Totenmessen’, Theologie und Glaube 11 (1919) 242‑245.

Placide Bruylants, `Les préfaces du Missel Romain’, LMD 87 (1966) 111‑133.

Placide Bruylants, `Le sens de la préface des Apotres’, QL 25 (1940) 115‑119.

Paul Cagin, L’Euchologie latine etudiée dans la tradition de ses formules et de ses formulaires, t. 1 Te Deum ou Illatio ? Contribution à l’histoire de l’Euchologie latine à propos des origines du Te Deum, Abbaye de Solesmes, Appuldurcombe, Isle of Wight, 1906.

Paul Cagin, `Les noms latins de la préface eucharistique’, Rassegna gregoriana 5 (1906) 321‑283.

Bernard Capelle, `La préface de Noel. Origine et commentaire’, QL 18 (1933) 273‑283.

Bernard Capelle, `La préface du Temps pascal’, QL 20 (1935) 89‑97.

Bernard Capelle, `La préface de l’Ascension. Origine et commentaire’, QL 21 (1936) 73‑83.

Bernard Capelle, `Les origines de la préface romaine de la Vierge’, Revue d’histoire ecclésiastique 38 (1942) 46‑47.

Bernard Capelle, `Une Messe de Saint Léon pour l’Ascension’, EL 67 (1953) 201‑229.

Bernard Capelle, `Le sacramentaire romain avant S. Grégoire’, Revue bénédictine 64 (1954) 157‑167.

A. Chavasse, Le sacramentaire Gélasien, Paris, 1959.

C. Coebergh, `Le Pape Saint Gélase Ier, auteur de plusieurs messes et préfaces du soi‑disant Sacramentaire Léonien’, SE 4 (1952) 46‑102.

L. Cornet, `Sanctus et Merkaba’, QL 59 (1978) 23‑37.

Eligius Dekkers, `Autour de l’oeuvre liturgique de S. Léon le Grand’, SE 10 (1958) 363‑398.

Eligius Dekkers, `PROPHETEIA‑praefatio’ in Mélanges Chr. Mohrmann, Utrecht, 1963, 190‑195.

G. De Liberato, `Prefazio della B.V. Maria’, RL 28 (1951) 135‑138.

Alban Dold, Sursum Corda. Hochgebete aus alten lateinischen Liturgien, Salzburg, 1954.

D. Dufrasne, `Les nouvelles préfaces d’Avent. Eléments de réflexion.’, Paroisse et Liturgie 50 (1968) 523‑529.

Antoine Dumas, `Le Missel Romain 1970′, Paroisse et Liturgie 15 (1970) 291‑296.

Antoine Dumas, `Le Orazioni del Messale: criteri di scelta e di composizione’, RL 58 (1971) 92‑102.

Antoine Dumas, `Pour mieux comprendre les textes liturgiques du Missel Romain’, Notitiae 6 (1970) 194‑213.

Antoine Dumas, `Les nouvelles préfaces du Missel Romain’, LMD 94 (1968) 159‑172.

Antoine Dumas, `Les préfaces du nouveau missel’, EL 85 (1971) 16‑28.

Antoine Dumas, `Les sources du nouveau Missel romain’, Notitiae 7 (1971) 37‑42; 74‑77; 94‑95; 134‑136; 276‑280.

Walter Dürig, `Die neue Adventspräfation’, Liturgisches Jahrbuch 15 (1965) 155‑163.

D. Eissing, ` “Fidei donum creaverat”. Zum Verstandnis des Glaubens in den Präfationen “De muliere Samaritana” ‘ EL 88 (1974) 32‑53.

D. Eissing, `Ordination und Amt des Presbyters. Zur Interpretation des romischen Priesterweihegebete “Honor omnium dignitatum” ‘, Zeitschrift für katholische Theologie 98 (1976) 35‑51.

Leo Eizenhöfer, Canon Missae Romanae, Pars altera, Herder, Roma, 1966.

Pierre Marie Gy, `Le nouveau rituel romain du mariage’, LMD 99 (1969) 124‑143.

Pierre Marie Gy, `Ordo exsequiarum pro adultis’, Notitiae 2 (1966) 353‑363.

Pierre Marie Gy, `Le Sanctus romain et les anaphores orientales’ in Mélanges liturgiques Bernard Botte, Louvain, 1972, 167‑174.

M. Herz, Sacrum commercium. Eine begriffgeschichtliche Studie zur Theologie der römischen Liturgiesprache, München, 1958.

René‑Jean Hesbert, `La Réforme du missel et des communs’, LMD 35 (1953) 94‑109.

J. Janini, `”Sacramentorum praefationes” y liturgia visigothica’, Hispania Sacra 17 (1964) 141‑172.

Cuthbert Johnson & Anthony Ward, `Fontes Liturgici. The Sources of the Roman Missal (1975) I: Advent‑Christmas’, in Notitiae 240‑241‑242 (1986) 445‑747.

Pierre Jounel, `Le Missel de Paul VI’, LMD 103 (1970) 16‑45.

Pierre Jounel, `Le nouveau Propre de France’, LMD 72 (1962) 140‑165.

Josef Andreas Jungmann, `Um die Herkunft der Trinitätspräfation’,

Zeitschrift für katholische Theologie 81 (1959) 461‑465.

Josef Andreas Jungmann, `Praefatio und stiller Kanon’, Zeitschrift für katholische Theologie53 (1929) 66‑94.

Josef Andreas Jungmann, `Le canon romain et les autres formes de la grande prière eucharistique’, LMD 87 (1966) 62‑77.

A.P. Lang, Leo der Grosse und die Texte des Altgelasianums mit Berücksichtigung des Sacramentarium Leonianum und des Sacramentarium Gregorianum, Steyl, 1957.

A.P. Lang, `Leo der Grosse und die Dreifaltigkeitspräfation’, SE 19 (1957) 116‑162.

J. Lemarié `Les préfaces des dimanches après l’Epiphanie dans les sacramentaires gélasiens du VIIe siècle’, EL 73 (1959) 393‑401.

A. Lentini, `Rilievi su alcuni prefazi recentemente approvati’, EL 78 (1964) 15‑32.

J. Lhoir, `Rendons grâce au Seigneur notre Dieu. L’importance et les lois de la préface’,Paroisse et Liturgie 50 (1968) 215‑225.

Louis Ligier, `De la Cène de Jésus a l’Anaphore de l’Eglise’, LMD 87 (1966) 7‑51.

Louis Ligier, `Les origines de la prière eucharistique: de la Cène du Seigneur a l’Eucharistie’, QL 53 (1972) 181‑202.

J. Llopis, `Los nuevos prefacios’, Phase n. 46 (1968) 352‑365.

Enzo Lodi, `La settimana santa del nuovo messale’, RL 9 (1971) 117‑132.

Enzo Lodi, `I nuovi prefazi’, RL 6 (1968) 640‑654.

G. Mercier, `La préface de Pâques’, Liturgie et Vie chrétienne 53 (1966) 13‑20.

G. Messini, `De auctore et loco compositionis praefationis B.M.V.’, Antonianum 10 (1935) 59‑72.

Edmond Moeller, Corpus Praefationum, Etude préliminaire (= Corpus Christianorum Series latina 161), Brepols, Turnholti, 1981.

Christine Mohrmann, `Sur l’histoire du mot praefatio’, Vigiliae Christianae 7 (1953) 1‑15.

Adrien Nocent, `Il nuovo Messale’, RLP 8 (1970) 315‑328.

Burkhardt Neunheuser, `I comuni del nuovo messale romano’, RL 85 (1971) 515‑532.

F. Nogues, `Avent et avènement d’après les anciens sacramentaires’, QL (1937) 233‑244; 279‑297.

E. Onandia, `Los nuevos prefacios de Aviento’, Lit n. 244 (1968) 395‑414.

B. Opfermann, `Die heutige liturgischen Sonderpräfationen’, Theologie und Glaube 46 (1956) 204‑215.

Irmgard Pahl, `Geschichte, Kritik und Reform der Apostelpräfation’, EL 80 (1966) 386‑390.

A. Paredi, I Prefazi Ambrosiani, Milan, 1937.

Pierre de Puniet, `Préfaces de carême du Sacramentaire Philipps’, EL 43 (1929) 91‑108; 280‑303; 45 (1931) 116‑123.

J. Rogues, `La préface consécratoire du chrême’, LMD 49 (1957) 35‑49.

André Rose, `Les nouvelles préfaces’, Assemblées du Seigneur (2ème série), n. 2, pp. 75‑91.

André Rose, `Die Sonntagspräfationen im neuen Missale Romanum’, Bibel und Liturgie 50 (1976) 195‑205.

Achille Maria Triacca, I prefazi ambrosiani del ciclo “de tempore” secondo il “Sacramentarium Bergomense”. Avviamento ad uno studio critico‑teologico, Roma, 1970.

Achille Maria Triacca, `La strutturazione eucologica dei Prefazi. Contributo metodologico per una loro retta esegesi. In margine al nuovo “Missale Romanum” EL 86 (1972) 233‑279.

Th. Vismans, `Op zoek naar een eigen prefatie voor de mis van de Kerkwijding’, Tijdschrift voor Liturgie 46 (1962) 432‑442.

Anthony Ward & Cuthbert Johnson, `Fontes Liturgici. The Sources of the Roman Missal (1975) II: Prefaces’, Notitiae 252-253-254 (1987) 408-1010.


This post was borrowed with the kind permission of Abbot Cuthbert Johnson from here.