Liturgy Institute London

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Contribute to the St Benedict Chair in Liturgy.


Donate to the fund held and managed by St. Benedict’s Abbey, Atchison, Kansas.

Donations to St. Benedict’s Abbey may be tax deductable in the USA.
St. Benedict’s Abbey is a 501(c)3 non-profit organisation.

Donate in person by contacting:

Fr. maurice Haefling OSB

St. Benedict’s Abbey
1020 North Second Street
Atchison, Kansas 66002
Phone: (913) 360-7854

Mr. Matt Kemnitz

Director of Development
St. Benedict’s Abbey
Phone: (913) 367-7897
mkemnitz AT kansasmonks DOT org

Fr Daniel McCarthy, OSB, SLD

inaugural chair holder
Read about Fr Daniel here.

Find out more about the St. Benedict Chair in Liturgy here.