Liturgy Institute London

For a detailed and peaceful study of Liturgy

St Bede Library

icon of St Bede in his Scriptorium


The St Bede Library holdings include several collections.
We hope to provide the resources you need.


Our collections are divided into two main libraries. Links are provided for each respective page.


The BSAC undergraduate collection is intended mainly for undergraduate use, but it also includes reference works invaluable to advance research. This is a lending library according to the regulations below


The Institutum Liturgicum collections are intended for graduate students, teachers and researchers. The volumes are for consultation only by appointment. The collections include:



The wish list presents our requests for books needed for our research and teaching.
Items for sale and for exchange are also listed.


LIBRARY HOURS          (during term time)

The BSAC undergraduate collection is available during the following hours:

Monday, Wednesday & Thursday am:                  10.00 – 12.30 hours

Weekday evenings, when there are courses:         18.45 – 21.15 hours

Saturdays, when there are courses:                        10.30 – 12.30 hours or 11.00 – 15.30 hours




Ordinary members

• A £5 fee for library membership has been included in the fee for each course.

• Library membership lapses at the end of term.

• No more than three books may be borrowed at one time.

• Books may be borrowed by those registered for courses only during that term, and books
should be renewed before the end of term for the period of the vacation if needed.

• Books may be borrowed for up to 14 days. After 14 days a fine of £2 per week is due.

• All books should be returned by the 31st December in the Autumn term,

15th April in the Spring term and 15th July in the Summer Term.

The Library is closed during vacations.


Applications for special membership

• Membership of the library is available without extra payment for those taking courses
at the Centre.

• Special membership is available upon application in writing to the librarian.

Fee:  £40 per year or £20 per term.

Borrowing terms and conditions for Special members as for Ordinary members,

excepting for those books that may need to be made available for current students.

•Borrowing times for special members: 10.00 – 12.30 or 18.45 – 21.00 only Monday Wednesday,
& Thursday in term time. 10.00-16.00 on Saturdays when there are courses.