Liturgy Institute London

For a detailed and peaceful study of Liturgy

Institutum Liturgicum Rome


established again in Rome in 1950


Dom Leo Cunibert Mohlberg, OSB   (1878 – 1963)
Dom Leo Eisenhöfer, OSB                 (1907 – 1981)
Dom Petrus Siffrin, OSB                    (1888 – 1968)
Dom Anselm Strittmatter, OSB         (1894 – 1978)

In 1950 Abbot Primate of the Benedictine Confederation, Benno Gut and Rector of the Athenaeum Sancti Anselmi, Fr Augustinus Meyer, OSB, established the Institutum Liturgicum at Sant’Anselmo, Rome with the aim of undertaking editorial work on the ancient sources of the liturgy. The monks of the Institutum Liturgicum patiently undertook research into the ancient liturgical sources, which would be used in the revision of the liturgical books, mandated by the Second Vatican Council.

Dom Leo Eisenhöfer,  Stift Neuburg bei Heidelberg

Grundriss der katholischen Liturgik, 2 vols., 6th ed. rev. J. Lechner (1953).

Compendio di liturgia, Leo Eisenhöfer, tr. Paolo Carosi OSB, Marietti, Roma 1944, 260pp
+  87 monochrome plates.
Dom Petrus Siffrin,  Abtei St. Joseph zu Gerleve
“Zur Geschichte des Advents”, Jahrbuch für Liturgiewissenschaft (1921)  p. 127.

Dom Siffrin was professed at Gerleve, went to the Dormition Abbey, Jerusalem when Gerleve was suppressed
in 1942 by the National Socialist (Nazi) regime, was a member of the Institutum Liturgicum in Rome,

and retired and died at Maria Laach (source, Abbot emeritus Pius Engelbert of Gerleve at Sant Anselmo 27 October 2010)

and Dom Cunibert Mohlberg,  Benediktinerabtei Maria Laach
together published the following critical editions in the series, Rerum ecclesiasticarum documenta (RED).

Sacramentarium Veronense (Verona collection of mass formulae) (RED series maior, fontes 1), Herder,
Roma 1954, 1978

Missale Francorum (RED series maior, fontes 2), Herder, Roma 1956

Missale Gallicanum Vetus (RED series maior, fontes 3), Herder, Roma 1958

Liber sacramentorum romana ordinis anni circuli (Sacramentarium Gelasianum vetus) (RED series
maior, fontes 4), Herder, Roma 1959, 1968, 1981

Missale Gothicum (RED series maior, fontes 5), Herder, Roma 1961

Les homéliaires du Moyen Âge: inventaire et analyse des manuscrits, ed. Réginald Grégoire;

preface par Jean Leclercq (Rerum ecclesiasticarum documenta. Series maior, Fontes; 6), Herder,
Roma 1966.

Corpus Antiphonalium Officii, [CAO] 6 voll., ed. R.-J. Hesbert,  (Rerum Ecclesiasticarum Documenta,
series maior. Fontes, 7-12) Herder, Roma 1963-1979.

Dom Anselm Strittmatter, St Anselm’s Abbey, Washington

is said to have specialised in Greek Liturgies
Ein griechisches  Exorzismusbuchlein, MS Car. C 143b der Zentralbibliothek in Zurich 1930, Orientalia
Christiana 20,3 (1930), 169-178; 26,2 (1932), 127-144.

“An unknown apology in Morgan Manuscript 641”, Traditio 4 (1946) 179-196.

“Enystai kai tetélestai : an echo from Traditio I”, Traditio 11 (1955) 395-400.

“The Latin prayer ‘Ad infantes consignandos’ in the Byzantine rite of confirmation”, Orientalia
christiana periodica 21 (1955) 308-320.

although he also treated Western topics:

“The Monastic Blessing of the Weekly Reader in Missal W.11 of the Walters Art Gallery”, Traditio 3

(1945) 392.

“Notes on an Eleventh-Century Missal, Walters Manuscript 11”, Traditio 6 (1948) 328-340

“Christmas and the Epiphany Origins and Antecedents” Thought (Fordham University Quarterly) 17

“The Pentecost Exultet of Reims and Besançon”, Studies in art and literature for Belle da Costa Greene,
ed. Dorothy Miner. Princeton, 1954, 384-400.

“Liturgical manuscripts preserved in Hungarian libraries : a survey of sacramentaries, missals,
lectionaries”, Traditio 19 (1963) 487-507.

“Missa Treverensis seu sancti Simeonis Syracusani”, Studia Gratiana 14 (1967) 495-518.

Review, The monastic breviary of Hyde Abbey, Winchester, ed J.B.L. Tolhurst, Speculum 26 (1951) 411-417.
Review, Les bréviaires manuscrits des bibliothèques publiques de France, 5 vol. Paris 1934, V. Leroquais, (The
Art Bulletin 1935) 236. (

The Institutum Liturgicum in Anglia et Cambria was established in 2010, and has as yet no permanent home.
Funds are needed for all our activities, for ongoing costs and individual projects which, once completed, will help generate its own income, thus reducing its dependence on gifts.

© James Leachman, O.S.B., updated 25 March 2020